Steven surrendered his life to the Lord as a young boy. He was serving as a Lay Teacher at Bethany Baptist Church in Pleasant Grove when called to First Baptist Church. Previously, he was the Senior Pastor at Calvary Baptist of Cottonwood, in Scurry, Texas. Steve has 6 Children with his wife Frankie whom has gone to be with the Lord. He has a B.S. in Computer Science and worked as a Software Engineer. He has also worked in the construction industry as a Structural Steel Detailer. Steven’s theological training includes an M.A. in Historical Theology and a Master of Divinity from Criswell College, Dallas, Texas. He is now pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree in Expository Preaching from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His passion is the preaching and teaching God's Word and equipping believers to serve in all aspects of ministry. His conviction is to see the lost coming to Christ, the let-down to be encouraged and restored to ministry and the looking to find a place to worship and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. He Teaches the Explorer class on Sunday mornings, he Heads the good Friday service. He started a Thanksgiving meal outreach at the church. |